No Limit International Celebrates Women’s Health Awareness Month, Empowers Women and Girls Worldwide to Prioritize Their Health

No Limit International Celebrates Women’s Health Awareness Month, Empowers Women and Girls Worldwide to Prioritize Their Health

No Limit International Celebrates Women’s Health Awareness Month, Empowers Women and Girls Worldwide to Prioritize Their Health

May is Women’s Health Month, also known as Women’s Health Awareness Month! During this month (and year round), No Limit International is dedicated to promoting women’s health awareness and empowering women and girls to prioritize their health and wellbeing.

Why is Women’s Health Awareness Important?

The World Health Organization (WHO) explains that women and girls “are disadvantaged by discrimination rooted in sociocultural factors” in many societies. Compared to men’s health, women’s health is often overlooked, and stigmas surround topics such as:

  • Menstrual periods
  • Pregnancy
  • Women’s mental health

Because such topics are treated as taboo, many women and girls are not able to receive proper healthcare, resulting in serious health risks (such as infections, reproductive system diseases, and urinary tract infections [UTIs]) and even death. Spreading awareness on women’s health issues in a more positive way can help to reduce the negative effects of these stigmatizations, reminding the world how important it is to prioritize the health and wellbeing of all people.

Menstrual Health and Education (EmpowerHER Flow)

Period poverty refers to the lack of access that many have to proper menstrual hygiene products, sanitation facilities, education, etc. As a result of period poverty, many women and girls in Sub-Saharan Africa do not receive adequate menstrual care, which can lead to significant educational disadvantages. UNESCO estimates that one in ten girls in Sub-Saharan Africa miss school during their menstrual cycle, which can amount to 20% of the school year.

Improper menstrual knowledge and care can also result in unintended pregnancies, many of which pose danger to the lives of the mothers. Without access to proper healthcare services, safe, healthy pregnancies and childbirths are much more difficult to achieve, leading to increased maternal mortality rates worldwide. In Sub-Saharan Africa, maternal mortality rates are among the highest in the world—according to the World Health Organization, Sub-Saharan Africa alone accounted for 70% of global maternal deaths in 2020.

EmpowerHER Flow is a menstrual equity program founded under No Limit International that aims to educate girls in Sub-Saharan Africa on menstrual hygiene and make menstrual care more accessible for all girls. In Sub-Saharan Africa, menstrual periods are often stigmatized, leaving many young girls without the resources and proper knowledge of periods needed to ensure that their healthcare is both adequate and supported.

With the help of partners like Aunt Flow, Saalt, Days for Girls International, and PERIOD., EmpowerHER Flow has successfully distributed thousands of dignity kits to girls in high schools around the country of Africa—and with these kits, the knowledge they need to embrace their periods with confidence and dignity rather than shame. 

Menstrual dignity kits distributed by No Limit International and EmpowerHER Flow contain disposable pads, sanitizers, and other products promoting menstrual hygiene and equity.
Menstrual dignity kits distributed by No Limit International and EmpowerHER Flow contain disposable pads, sanitizers, and other products promoting menstrual hygiene and equity.

This year, National Period Poverty Awareness Week is being celebrated on May 20 to May 28, 2024. On May 20, the Commissioners Court of El Paso County, Texas is holding a special event to highlight the work of No Limit International and EmpowerHER Flow Co-Founder Orlyanka Tantchou, whose advocacy for positive period representation and education is bringing change to both local and global communities. The Court has also invited other local community organizations to present the resolution and recognize Tantchou’s work.

Gender Equality in Healthcare and Beyond

As part of its mission to achieve 8 critical United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), No Limit International focuses on advancing gender equality through EmpowerHER Flow and other initiatives that aim to promote healthy living among women and girls. While both men and women experience health issues, women’s health issues are often neglected, dismissed, or not taken as seriously as men’s. This is a clear issue that requires addressing, especially when so many lives are at stake every day.

Gender disparities greatly contribute to inadequate care of women’s physical, menstrual, and mental health, especially when women do not know what kind of help they need or how to advocate for themselves. Many times, these underrepresented individuals receive less medical attention when they need it or none at all.

In the world of healthcare and beyond, gender inequality has resulted in gender biased actions/policies against women and young girls as well as other forms of discrimination in clear violation of basic human rights. Because of this, it is extremely important that we continue to spread awareness about issues surrounding gender inequality and, as a result, make healthy living possible for all.

How Can I Support Women’s Health with No Limit International?

For the future, No Limit International hopes to continue its mission of spreading women’s health awareness throughout Sub-Saharan Africa and the world, creating a brighter future for women and girls everywhere. You can help empower women and girls to prioritize their health by donating, supporting education initiatives, and advocating for better access to hygiene resources.

Monetary donations of any amount through our donation form are greatly appreciated. You can also donate menstrual products by contacting us via phone or email. Join us as we break barriers, erase stigmas, and provide essential resources for women’s health and hygiene across Africa. 

To learn more about No Limit International, give us a call at +237 699 99 02 89 / +237 675 80 85 10 or contact us via email at Together, we can ensure every woman’s right to dignity and equality.

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