El Paso County Recognizes Period Poverty Awareness Week with the Help of No Limit International

El Paso County Recognizes Period Poverty Awareness Week with the Help of No Limit International

El Paso County Recognizes Period Poverty Awareness Week with the Help of No Limit International

On May 20, 2024, the Commissioners Court of El Paso County, Texas and the El Paso County Judge passed a resolution proclaiming May 20 to May 28, 2024 as Period Poverty Awareness Week in El Paso County. Sponsored by Commissioner David Stout, this resolution honored No Limit International Co-Founders Orlyana, Orlyanka, Orlyola, and Orlybella Tantchou for their hard work and dedication to spreading period poverty awareness.

Other like-minded organizations in the local community were recognized as part of this resolution, including Deeds Not Words, Texas Rising, Planned Parenthood, and PERIOD. Each led similar initiatives that led to the resolution being passed.

Watch the full El Paso County Commissioners Court and El Paso County Judge meeting on YouTube, including the resolution’s passing.

“I was really excited to be here today to spread more awareness about period poverty because it’s not talked about enough,” stated Orlyanka Tantchou, whose advocacy for positive period representation and education is bringing change to both local and global communities. “I’m so lucky to be here with so many amazing organizations in this meeting to share more about this topic.”

No Limit International has worked to eliminate worldwide period poverty through various initiatives, including EmpowerHER Flow, its menstrual equity program. With this resolution from the El Paso County Commissioners Court and the El Paso County Judge, No Limit International is one step closer to bridging the gaps of menstrual health disparity.

What is Period Poverty Awareness Week?

Period Poverty Awareness Week is a weeklong celebration of period poverty awareness during the month of May, also known as Women’s Health Awareness Month. Every year, this week sheds light on various issues surrounding period poverty in order to make them more known to the world.

Period poverty refers to the lack of access that many have to proper menstrual hygiene products, sanitation facilities, education, etc. This topic is often neglected in conversations surrounding healthcare despite its negative effects on millions worldwide.

Period poverty exacerbates the vicious cycle of poverty by further marginalizing those who menstruate, causing them to withdraw from daily life, forego pay, or miss educational opportunities. Therefore, raising awareness on period poverty is important in encouraging positive period representation, menstrual dignity, and healthy living for all.

Fighting Period Poverty with No Limit International (EmpowerHER Flow)

EmpowerHER Flow is a menstrual equity program founded under No Limit International that aims to promote menstrual health and well-being through education and outreach. The program works to break stigmas surrounding menstruation and make menstrual resources more accessible for women and girls around the world.

A major focus of EmpowerHER Flow is fostering a culture of open communication surrounding natural bodily functions that are too commonly treated as taboo. As the face of EmpowerHER Flow, Orlyanka Tantchou hopes to serve as a big sister figure to girls who are learning more about their bodies and how to take care of themselves. Through educational sessions and other community events, EmpowerHER Flow invites girls to ask questions about periods and menstrual health in a welcoming and positive environment, which empowers them to prioritize their health and wellbeing.

In addition, EmpowerHER Flow has previously partnered with Aunt Flow, Saalt, Days for Girls International, and PERIOD. in order to promote menstrual equity in African communities and beyond. With the help of these organizations, the program has successfully distributed thousands of menstrual dignity kits to girls in high schools around the country of Africa—and with these kits, the knowledge they need to embrace their periods with confidence and dignity rather than shame.

Menstrual dignity kits distributed by No Limit International and EmpowerHER Flow contain disposable pads, sanitizers, and other products promoting menstrual hygiene and equity.
Menstrual dignity kits distributed by No Limit International and EmpowerHER Flow contain disposable pads, sanitizers, and other products promoting menstrual hygiene and equity.

The recognition of Period Poverty Awareness Week by the El Paso County Commissioners Court and the El Paso County Judge is a significant step forward in addressing the important issue of period poverty. The more people who join the cause, the more opportunities for positive change in communities worldwide.

How Can I Fight Period Poverty with No Limit International?

For the future, No Limit International hopes to continue its fight against period poverty throughout Sub-Saharan Africa and the world, ensuring menstrual equity for all. You can help support this mission by donating, supporting education initiatives, and advocating for better access to hygiene resources.

Monetary donations of any amount through our donation form are greatly appreciated. You can also donate menstrual products by contacting us via phone or email. Join our movement for education, empowerment, and equality in Sub-Saharan Africa and beyond.

To learn more about No Limit International, give us a call at +237 699 99 02 89 / +237 675 80 85 10 or contact us via email at Together, we can make a lasting impact on the world we live in.

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