Many Children Will Not Go Back to School this Year. Let’s Change That.

Many Children Will Not Go Back to School this Year. Let’s Change That.

Many Children Will Not Go Back to School this Year. Let’s Change That.

As schools prepare to reopen around the world, many young children and students face a harsh reality of not being able to attend school during the new school year. Due to poverty, school expenses, and other barriers, some children are dropping out of school and not returning, and others who have never been to school will not have the opportunity to go at all.

Because education is such a crucial part of youth development, we must recognize the importance of youth education and fight to provide all children with the opportunity to learn in school.

Why is Youth Education So Important?

Youth education enhances the growth and well-being of children worldwide through the powers of knowledge and community building. At school, students develop various life skills that are important to their well-being, including:

  • Critical thinking skills
  • Problem solving
  • Reading
  • Social skills
  • Leadership skills

Education also helps children to fight against worldwide inequities, giving them the opportunity to lead better lives and create a better world for future generations. Depending on socioeconomic status, it may be more difficult for children to attend school and get the education they need to break past barriers caused by poverty, which can perpetuate the dangerous cycle of generational poverty. Other hindrances to youth education include:

  • Lack of infrastructure
  • Lack of teachers
  • Gender disparities
  • Cultural stereotypes/stigmas
  • School expenses
  • Child marriages and pregnancies
  • Conflict and war

Without access to education, many children may never have the opportunity to learn the skills they need to be successful in their communities. As UNESCO reports: “Globally, 16% of children and youth (covering primary to upper secondary) are not attending school.” Education is the key to unlocking brighter futures, ensuring that every child is equipped to change the world.

Female Education

Cultural and gender norms often prioritize boys’ education over girls’, leading to gender disparities in access to schooling. Supporting female education is important in reducing these disparities and giving girls the opportunity to build better lives for themselves. Female education allows girls increased access to economic independence, better career prospects, and a future where they are empowered to make a difference in the world around them.

According to a report from the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), “It is estimated that 15 million girls–mainly those living in poverty–will never set foot in a classroom, compared to 10 million boys.” This is a statistic that everyone has the power to change, and doing so will lead to more opportunities for girls to thrive in the world.

See also: The Power of Female Education (and How to Support It)

How Can I Support Youth Education?

The power of education is priceless, which is why we must be an active part of bringing education to as many children as possible. Here are some ways that you can support youth education/promote equal education for all:

  • Advocate for youth equality in the education system. Spread awareness on existing disparities within the education system and be an active part of the change by educating others.
  • Volunteer. Support youth education initiatives through volunteer work, community service, outreach, etc.
  • Donate money, books, and other educational resources. Many schools and educational programs can use these resources to further a child’s education.
  • Sponsor a child’s education. Poverty is a significant barrier to education in Africa and around the world, with many families unable to afford school fees, uniforms, and other related expenses. By contributing financially to a child’s education, you make it possible for them to receive the proper education they need to succeed.

Support Youth Education and Development with No Limit International

Building a brighter future through youth education has been a core part of No Limit International’s mission and goals. Whether distributing books to local schools, building mobile libraries, or educating the youth on literacy, the non-government organization uses youth education as a way to break barriers in both local and global communities.

With your support, No Limit International can continue to make education and learning more accessible for everyone. Donate today and join us as we break barriers, erase stigmas, and provide essential resources for youth education across Africa and the world. 

To learn more about No Limit International, give us a call at +237 699 99 02 89 / +237 675 80 85 10 or contact us via email at Together, we can make a lasting impact on the world we live in.

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