No Limit International Organizes Community Awareness Campaign for Muslim Girls in the Yaoundé Community

No Limit International Organizes Community Awareness Campaign for Muslim Girls in the Yaoundé Community

No Limit International Organizes Community Awareness Campaign for Muslim Girls in the Yaoundé Community

On July 31, 2022, No Limit International organized a community awareness campaign for young Muslim girls in Yaoundé’s Briqueterie neighborhood. During the campaign, these girls were invited to share their stories and learn about the available programs that the non-government organization (NGO) is implementing in the community to provide access to education to ALL girls.

The event lasted over 3 hours and was attended by 170 girls. Because most of the attendees are out of school for various reasons (including gender stereotypes, early marriage, or lack of financial means to support their education), they were eager to learn about the opportunities available to them. One common factor among all the girls is their desire to go back to school at various capacities.

“Girl education is a basic human right,“ stated Orlyanka Tantchou, Co-Founder of No Limit International, “and Muslim girls deserve that right. Educated girls are less likely to marry young and more likely to aspire to new heights and dreams in their careers. We must encourage girl education and access to educational opportunities based on their intellectual potential. It’s the main purpose of our gathering today. We want to promote and encourage the girls to not be afraid of voicing their desire to return to school and obtaining an education to empower their future.”

According to a report from the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), “It is estimated that 15 million girls–mainly those living in poverty–will never set foot in a classroom, compared to 10 million boys.” Gender stereotypes of men as breadwinners and expectations of boys to have better career prospects due to the prioritization of boys’ education are contributing factors to an unjust society and cause for continued poverty and lack of minimal resources in communities. Educating girls contributes later to their increased economic independence, decreases in teen pregnancies and early marriages, healthier families, and more resilient economies. 

No Limit International is committed to assisting Muslim girls around the world to gain access to education for a better society. During the community awareness campaign, Orlyanka Tantchou seized the opportunity to encourage these girls in the community to never give up and always look for opportunities to better themselves.

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