Building Better Futures Together

Orlyana Tantchou

President & Co-Founder

Orlyanka Tantchou

Co-Founder & General Manager

Orlyola Tantchou


Orlybella Tantchou

Orlyana Tantchou,
Co-Founder & President
My name is Orlyana Tantchou, and I am passionate about equal opportunities for girls in STEM. I lead initiatives such as the MyGirls-Code program, which is dedicated to empowering young girls in Sub-Saharan Africa to learn invaluable coding skills from a young age. Through this program, my goal is to expose young girls to STEM career fields and opportunities so they can become the next generation of pioneers in the technology sector.

Any Question, follow me everywhere!

Orlyanka Tantchou

Co-Founder & General Manager

My name is Orlyanka Tantchou, and I am passionate about advancing gender equality, promoting women economic empowerment, and equal access opportunities to all. I’ve led initiatives such as EmpowerHER Flow and Orlyanka Champions that promote girl empowerment and confidence skills that are essential in breaking biases and dreaming of becoming the next generation of female leaders. My goal is to create an environment where every girl has the capabilities and opportunities to exceed their potential.

Any Question, follow me everywhere!

Orlyola Tantchou
Co-Founder & Treasurer

My name is Orlyola Tantchou and I am passionate about climate education. I have a keen interest in global warming, which has served as a central theme in many of my written works. I believe that it’s imperative that we all come together in the fight for climate change. Through my book, The Wildlife Warriors: Saving Their Habitats, I call on the future of our generation, the youth to use their voice. I hope to ignite a sense of environmental responsibility in my young readers, inspiring them to become wildlife warriors.

Any Question, follow me everywhere!

Orlybella Tantchou
Co-Founder & Secretary

My name is Orlybella Tantchou and I am passionate about children’s rights to education. At the height of the Russia-Ukraine War, I released a song on Youtube in support of the children in Ukraine and their right to go to school instead of hiding to save their lives. I’ve also collected books to send to children in Sub-Saharan Africa so that they can enrich their minds through the power of reading. I want to be a voice for young people who may not have one and make them feel seen, heard, and valued.

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