Why Should Girls Learn to Code?
Learning to code benefits girls in many ways, and coding is a crucial skill that can help women and girls in STEM grow into leaders in their field. This article will discuss the benefits of coding and ways it can empower girls to pursue STEM careers.
Benefits of Coding
Coding has many benefits, including (but not limited to):
- Helps people to better understand the STEM field. STEM provides one way for people to find success in their lives. Learning to code (or at least learning more about coding) can help people to gain more knowledge about the STEM fields and even decide to pursue STEM for themselves.
- Opens the door to various job opportunities. The STEM fields can be very competitive, and knowing how to code can give those looking to enter the STEM fields an edge when it comes to job searching and career building. Coders are in high demand, and opportunities to code professionally are only increasing in number.
- Improves life skills. Coding enhances the growth and well-being of people worldwide through the powers of knowledge and strategy. Coding helps build crucial life skills that are important to their well-being, such as problem solving and critical thinking. Knowing how to code can even help with creativity and teaching people the importance of innovation.
- Builds community. Coding offers people learning to code with the unique opportunity to build community with those around them, including other coders. These connections can be uplifting and motivational, encouraging coders to continue in STEM. These communities can also attract those unsure about the STEM fields towards coding and other aspects of STEM that may interest them.
Bridging the STEM Education Gap
The STEM education gap refers to the exclusion of women and girls from STEM fields, largely due to harmful gender disparities and stereotypes. With cultural and gender norms often prioritizing boys’ education over girls, STEM education and fields are often male-dominated. Meanwhile, due to a lack of diversity and gender equality within these fields, many women and girls are left without the proper STEM education, resources, and knowledge needed to excel.
Other indicators of the STEM education gap include:
- Lack of female exposure to STEM, especially in primary schooling
- Lack of women and girls with STEM careers
- Lower STEM test scores from females compared to males
- Female discrimination
Female education tends to be overlooked, yet it should remain a priority for everyone looking to promote positive global change. Supporting female education is important in reducing these disparities and giving girls the opportunity to build better lives for themselves. Female education allows girls increased access to economic independence, better career prospects, and a future where they are empowered to make a difference in the world around them.
How to Support Girls Learning to Code
When it comes to female education and empowerment, your efforts can be life-changing! Here are some ways that you can support girls learning to code:
- Advocate for gender equality in the education system. Spread awareness on existing gender disparities within the education system and be an active part of the change by educating others.
- Volunteer. Support female STEM education initiatives through volunteer work, community service, outreach, etc.
- Donate money, books, and other educational resources. Many schools and educational programs can use these resources to further a girl’s STEM education.
- Sponsor a girl’s education. Poverty is a significant barrier to education in Africa and around the world, with many families unable to afford school fees, uniforms, and other related expenses. By contributing financially to a girl’s education, you make it possible for her to receive the proper education she needs to succeed.
“Every child—every girl—deserves an education,” says Orlyanka Tantchou, Co-Founder of No Limit International and advocate for female empowerment in education and beyond. “It’s a basic human right.” When girls are educated, there is no limit to their capabilities.
Support Female STEM Education with No Limit International
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